Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Professional and Technical FTTH Certificates

Theoretical Course, aimed at Technicians and Engineers in the areas of Planning, Network Engineering, Construction of the Internal Plant and External Plant, Operation and Maintenance, Marketing of Broadband Services, Evaluation of Investment Projects, Operators, and Contractors. Two days of course with a total of 16 hours, with Exam and Certification. Basic knowledge of fiber optic and current standards and its expected evolution are taught, both for P2P and P2MP (PON) networks and the course is completed with a network design for 20,000 commercial and residential subscribers with an underground and aerial network and their respective associated CAPEX.
FTTH PROFESSIONAL course agenda Certificate :
  • Fundamental principles of fiber optic transmission.
  • Different types of Optical Fibers for different transmission standards.
  • Specific fibers for access networks, P2P and P2MP, type ITU G-652 –D, and ITU G-657 A and G-657 B.
  • Color Codes according to Telcordia and ITU.
  • Parameters and Characteristics of the Fiber Optics that affect the Design and Operation of the Access Network, Losses due to length and curvature. Insertion loss. Difference between Reflectance of a network element and Optical Return Loss of a link. Critical Angle, Numerical Opening, and Acceptance Cone. Reflection, Refraction, and Dispersion of various types.
  • Engineering Recommendations: design, the radius of curvature of cables in External and Internal Plant. Macro-curvature and Micro-curvature.
  • ITU Standard G-984, GPON and all its parameters that affect the Design and Operation of the Network.
  • Particular considerations on the following network element one according to ITU, Telcordia, and IEC :
    - Central ODF (optical distributor).
    - Patch-cords or optical jumpers and their connectors.
    - The transition from Central Cable to External Plant Cable according to NEC
    - Optical closures of the main cable.
    - Street Distribution Cabinets or Fiber Distribution Hub (FDH) and their optical dividers.
    - Optical closures of the distribution cables and their optical dividers.
    - Terminal Distribution Boxes or Network Access Point (NAP) and their optical dividers.
    - Entrance boxes to Buildings or Building Entrance Terminals (BET), floor boxes and optical subscriber rosettes.
    - How NOT to RUIN the optical link in the last 50 meters of Network.
    - ONT (Optical Network Terminal) subscriber.
  • The four models of optical redundancy for protection of optical circuits, supported by ITU G 984. Which is recommended depending on the clients served by the network.
  • Centralized and Cascade Optical Dividers. Advantages and disadvantages of both types. When to use one or the other.
  • Link Budget or Optical Link Budget. What effect will today's network have in the future? How to migrate the network based on the evolution of access speeds and future evolutions of standards. Design of an access network of 8,000 subscribers with both types of optical dividers in order to understand in detail the difference between both groups. What to do for cases where the optical link budget cannot be met when we know that it must be met yes or yes? Cases of IPTV in 1490 nm and Video Overlay in 1550 nm.
  • Full Cadastre of Red PON elements. Its importance and its understanding of Engineering and Operations.
  • PON network tests. Why do you need different equipment? Which ones and in what cases?
  • Design of an Access Network for 20,000 users, residential in a single and multi-family housing (or apartment buildings), business, mixed between air and underground, Determination of CAPEX. Impact on CAPEX when there is or not pre-existing posterĂ­a and pipelines.
  • Considerations for the design of a PON Network shared between Fixed Broadband Services and Mobile Broadband Services.
  • Tomorrow's standards, ITU G-987, and its impact when using a multi-year dentor a network designed today.
  • How to migrate clients progressively from G-984 to G-987.
The FTTH Certified PROFESSIONAL course is taught by Engineer Eduardo Jedruch, President of the LATAM Chapter of the Fiber Broadband Association.
Those students who pass the exam will have a certification, with a certificate number for their signature, valid for 2 years, and their name will also be published on the official website of the organization as a Certified Professional.


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