Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Deployment of optical fiber

fiber vignette deployment - the file
All French homes connected to fiber
The deployment of new generation very high-speed networks, mainly from optical fiber, represents a major industrial and economic challenge for France, a lever for the competitiveness of businesses, an essential factor in the attractiveness of territories and develop new innovative services.

Launched in spring 2013, the Very High-Speed ​​France Plan aims to cover the entire territory in very high speed by 2022, that is to say, provide high-performance Internet access to all housing, businesses, and administrations. An investment of 20 billion euros, shared between private operators, local authorities and the State. This deployment would create more than 20,000 jobs by 2019!

A large-scale project
The development of fiber optics is a long process because it requires fiberizing the whole of French territory once again, as was done with the copper network. However, the development of ADSL did not require the development of a new telecom network: this technology used the same copper wires as the telephone.

The deployments of the new FttH fiber optic networks are carried out in 2 phases:

the deployment in the streets (or horizontal deployment );
the deployment inside buildings (or deployment vertical ).
Horizontal deployment
The operators (that is to say the access to electronic communications services providers ) deploy their FTTH networks in the streets of several cities.

To deploy their fiber optic networks in the streets up to the point of sharing (see Legend below) , operators use the existing underground infrastructures which today host copper and cable networks, but also those of local authorities. , or some sewer systems (especially in Paris). These are civil engineering and cable pulling operations.

Vertical deployment
This includes the connection of buildings and individual houses on the one hand, and the connection of subscribers on the other.

In buildings, the FttH deployment will necessarily be “ shared ”, which reduces the work to be carried out. 
fiber optic certifications
The network deployed inside the building may consist of one fiber per unit (“ nanofiber  ”) or several fibers per unit (“ multi-fiber ”).

Whether the deployment is "single fiber" or "multi-fiber", the occupants of a building will be able to access the services of the various operators who will have connected the building to their network.
In the first case, all operators will share the single fiber , in the second case, some operators may have their own fiber .

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