Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Fiber made in France soon to be organized into a strategic sector committee

Technology: The digital infrastructures strategic sector should be officially launched on December 18. With a stated objective for its actors: to strengthen its international influence.

The news has been in the air since November 2018, it should soon be officially announced. According to information published this Wednesday in the columns of "Echoes" , the fiber and telecoms sector should be formed into a strategic committee of the sector (CSP) "Digital infrastructures" on December 18, under the aegis of the secretary of State Agnes Pannier-Runachier.

This will be structured around four main axes, the deployment of mobile and fixed networks, smart cities and the international, which constitute as many axes of work for a sector which still represents nearly 52 billion euros. annual income and generates 150 jobs, direct or indirect .

It is up to the Secretary of State to kick off a labeled structure, placed under the responsibility of the National Industry Council, which will be responsible for supervising the activity of 300 to 400 operators, manufacturers , equipment manufacturers or companies responsible for deploying optical fiber and boosting their activity.
fiber certification
This will involve the creation of a common label, responsible for unifying the players and giving them new visibility. But also to get them to collaborate on certain projects. With a stated objective: to promote the sector internationally, where its future outlets lie.

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